100 Highlights Kanada: Alle Ziele, die Sie gesehen haben sollten

100 Highlights Kanada: Alle Ziele, die Sie gesehen haben sollten

Ekonomi 1 Read the passage below and answer the following questions.
The sportswear company Nike gave its office workers a holiday to help them de-stress
from life's challenges and worries caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. (1) The clothing giant gave
its employees a week-long mental health break. It closed its offices from August the 23rd to the 30th
so that its employees could "enjoy additional time off to rest and recover". Nike said it wanted to
focus on helping to combat "burnout". Nike's senior manager of global marketing science Matt
Marrazzo said, "Our senior leaders are all sending a clear message – take the time to unwind, destress and spend time with your loved ones. Do not work." (2) Nike's retail stores are still open and
store workers are working as usual.
Mr Marrazzo said the company was taking the lead in considering the mental health of its
workers. He said, "(3) Taking time for rest and recovery is key to performing well and staying sane.
This past year has been rough. We are all human and living through a traumatic event." He added,
"(4) I'm hopeful that the empathy and grace we continue to show our team-mates will have a positive
impact on the culture of work moving forward." Marrazzo said the week off was "an acknowledgment
that we can prioritize mental health and still get work done". He said it was important for a company
to think about its workers. He wrote, "Support your people. It's good business, but it's also the right
thing to do."

a) Identify the main idea of the first paragraph.
b) The company Nike closed its offices for one week long so that its employees could have a break
to relax.
Identify whether the italicized statement is true or false, and explain your reason by providing
evidence from the text.
c) Identify which of the underlined sentences (1-4) states a fact and an opinion.
d) The following sentences are based on the paragraph above. Identify what the italicized words
refer to.
The sportswear company Nike gave its office workers a holiday to help them de-stress from
life's challenges and worries caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
What do its and them refer to in this context?
Its = ………
Them = ………
2 dari 5
He said it was important for a company to think about its workers.
What does its refer to in this context?
Its = ………
e) Write a good summary of the text above.

Ekonomi Penyebab kerusakan bahan pustaka ada berbagai macam, bisa terjadi karena tempat
penyimpanannya yang kurang baik, susunan buku yang tidak teratur, dan kerusakan juga terjadi
karena pemustakanya yang tidak berhati-hati dalam penggunaan bahan pustaka, faktor usia buku
yang sudah tua, dan buku-buku yang terbit baru-baru ini sudah banyak yang rusak, dari segi
fisiknya saja buku jaman sekarang banyak yang tidak berkualitas, jauh berbeda dengan buku yang
terbit waktu dulu. selain itu kerusakan juga terjadi karena faktor alam seperti kelembaban suhu,
dan percikan air hujan, buku-buku yang lembab, akhirnya warna sampul nya kelihatan memudar,
kemudian kertas nya mengendur, dan menegang. Kemudian kerusakan juga bisa disebabkan oleh
faktor pustakawanya yang tidak berhati-hati dalam melestarikan bahan pustaka.
Metode tindakan pelestarian bahan pustaka apa yang tepat untuk mencegah kerusakan koleksi
perpustakaan dari kasus diatas? Bagaimana penerapan metode tersebut